Bryn Mawr Stories

What do we mean by “holistic application review”?
"Our aim is to understand you not just as an academic performer, but as a whole human, one shaped by the multiple, rich contexts in which you exist."

Mawr Insight: College Fairs 101
"Be open-minded throughout the interaction — don’t rule out a school before gaining enough information, you might surprise yourself!"

Fly-In Programs: Lantern Scholars
"A fly-in program allows you to experience the college environment in a way that a regular campus visit might not allow you."

Jewels of the Java Sea: An Exploration between Bali and Singapore
September 12-23, 2024

Tri-Co Philly: The Politics of the Creative Class in American Cities
Explore the social, economic, and political impacts associated with the sizeable influx of college graduates into many urban areas during the past decade.

Tri-Co Philly: Literature in and of Philadelphia, 1682-1865
In this course, and in the city itself, we will examine literature written in and about Philadelphia before the Civil War, exploring how and why Philadelphians engaged questions of love, freedom and non-freedom.

Tri-Co Philly: The Philadelphia Mosaic: Immigrant Communities in the City
This course explores the experiences and city-making strategies of immigrant communities in the Greater Philadelphia Area from roughly the late 19th century to the present day.

Tri-Co Philly: Grassroots Economies: Creating Livelihoods in an Age of Urban Inequality
The aim of the course would be to examine the political and economic constraints generated by poverty and racial and class segregation in contemporary urban environments and how grassroots economic initiatives rooted in mutual aid often fill the gaps and provide alternative ways to meet needs and generate supportive community.

Tri-Co Philly: History of Philadelphia Architecture and Urbanism
This course explores Philadelphia’s architectural and urban evolution over five centuries.

Tri-Co Philly: Narrativity and Hip Hop
This course explores narrative and poetic forms and themes in hip-hop culture.

Tri-Co Philly: History & Politics of Punishment: The School to Prison Pipeline
This inter-disciplinary upper-level seminar will explore the complex school policies, teacher instructional decisions, as well as historical, political, social, economic, cultural, and structural forces that have given rise to documented reality of the “school-to-prison pipeline.”

Tri-Co Philly: Philadelphia’s Opioid Crisis: Causes, Consequences, and Interventions Community Engagement and Social Responsibility
This course will draw on direct student engagement and the experience of community partners—including medical practitioners, harm reduction activists, politicians, journalists, people who use drugs, and affected communities—to interrogate the causes and consequences of drug overdose.